Friday, 23 March 2012

Piz Buin self tanning lotion & colour dial.

I got this 'Piz Buin self tanning lotion & colour dial' fake tan for Christmas, so i have been using it since then. I think it retails at around £9.99 which i think is quite pricey considering there are a lot of cheaper tanning alternatives. What i like about this is that there is a 'colour dial' so you can choose how dark you want your tan to be. I think the lighter half  on the left is ideal to use as a gradual tan, to apply every couple of days and build up a darker colour over time. Whereas the darker side on the right is better for just the odd application, e.g. the day before a night out. It does take a while to develop so its best applied before bed and left overnight. One negative I find with this fake tan is it takes a long time to dry, and can be quite sticky; also there is quite a strong smell but I suppose that's to be expected with the majority of fake tans!

Overall i have been quite impressed with the outcome of this tan colour wise, but i think it has it's faults too. There are definitely other brands I'd reach for over this, and I still prefer my trusty St Moriz (which is also a much cheaper alternative). So i don't particularly think I will be purchasing it again any time soon. Has anyone else tried this?


  1. ive seen it but never tried it due to ive n ever heard anyone mention it before i do like the st moriz dark tanning lotion though

  2. Oh awesome! I just got a spray tan done last week at the beautician and was great, but expensive to get done all the time. We don't have this brand in AUstralia but I am so getting a friend to bring back for me :)

    Great blog girl. I just signed up to follow. Come check out my blog if you have a spare moment :)

    Luc X


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